The PLAN Lab is founded on collaboration, collegiality and student training. Faculty members include Drs Libben, Miller and Piercy, who are all clinical neuropsychologists in the department of Psychology at UBC Okanagan. Our team of graduate students are devoted clinical researchers who study a variety of topics within clinical and neuro psychology. Our lab supports a host of undergraduate research trainees within honours, directed studies and volunteer positions.
Graduate Student Alumni
PLAN Lab research volunteers are continuously being recruited and are involved in all levels of research. Volunteering is a great way to get familiar with research and prepare for a directed studies.
Second, third and fourth year directed studies courses are available through the PLAN lab. Directed studies can involve hands on research, data organization and/or literature reviews.
Top-tier undergraduates have the opportunity to complete an honours research project and thesis in the PLAN Lab. Preference is given to students with previous research experience.