PLAN Lab Undergraduates


PLAN Lab research volunteers are continuously being recruited and are involved in all levels of research. Volunteering is a great way to get familiar with research and prepare for a directed studies.

Directed Studies

Second, third and fourth year directed studies courses are available through the PLAN lab. Directed studies can involve hands on research, data organization and/or literature reviews.



Top-tier undergraduates have the opportunity to complete an honours research project and thesis in the PLAN Lab. Preference is given to students with previous research experience.

Undergraduate Honours Students


Ella Serber

Project: Emotion Amplification: Visual Imagery, Trait Disgust, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in a Non-Clinical Sample

Gul-E Aamna Shahid

Project: Sibling Influence on Body Image in South-Asian and White University Students



Samantha Barg

Project: The relationship between Body Image and Videoconferencing Use: An Eye Tracking Study

Katherine Wolfe

Project: Investigation of Hemispatial Neglect Assessment Measures Using Eye Tracking

Emily Mayzes-Kotulla

Project: Stake-Holder Perceptions of a Motivational Interviewing App (MI-Coach:ED) for Individuals with Eating Disorders

Shiva Natarajan

Project: mTBI Awareness among Undergraduates.


Mariza Micallef

Project: Psychological Functioning in Post-Concussive Syndrome and Available Support Before and During the Pandemic.




Erin Fraser

Project: Exploring the Impact of a Gratitude-Focused Meditation on Body Dissatisfaction (peer reviewed publication link)

Jason Scott

Project: A Comparative Analysis of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire and the Selective Reminding Test: Clinical Utility of Proxy vs. Self-Report Approaches

Jocelyn Thomas

Project: Neurofeedback for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review and Meta-Analysis

Lydia Wood

Project: The Acceptability and Validity of At-Home Video Conference-Based Neuropsychological Assessment


Clerissa Copeland

Project: Eye movements during smooth pursuit training for different hemispatial neglect subtypes


Yun-Han Wang

Project: Perfectionism, Body Dissatisfaction, and Self-Efficacy: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating Effects (peer reviewed publication link)

Yun-Lin Wang

Project: Methodology of Cognitive Bias Modification: A Comparative Examination (peer reviewed publication link)



Leah Sorge

Project: Use of Eye Tracking during the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test as an Intrinsic Test of Effort

May Ly

Project: Validation of the Translated Negative Physical Self Scale (peer reviewed publication link)

Jessica Hansen

Project: Computerized Street Crossing Exercise for Hemispatial Neglect Patients: A Pilot Study



Graham Armstrong

Project: Cogputation: Using Eye-Tracker Technology to Develop Computerized Versions of Neuropsychological Assessments

Ashleigh Parker

Project: The New Normal: Developing an Updated Corpus of Normative Data for 5 Neuropsychological Measures

Kristen Peers

Project: Compound Word Processing in Aphasia


McKenzie Campbell

Project: A Comparison of the Buschke Selective Reminding Test and the California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition in a Stroke Population (peer reviewed publication link)

Nicole Legg

Project: Examining Impulsivity in Relation to Cognitive Bias Modification and Eating Disorders

Jeneya Clark

Project: Psychological Disturbance and Performance on Measures of Memory, Attention and Executive Functioning in TBI patients (peer reviewed publication link)