PLAN Lab research volunteers are continuously being recruited and are involved in all levels of research. Volunteering is a great way to get familiar with research and prepare for a directed studies.
Second, third and fourth year directed studies courses are available through the PLAN lab. Directed studies can involve hands on research, data organization and/or literature reviews.
Top-tier undergraduates have the opportunity to complete an honours research project and thesis in the PLAN Lab. Preference is given to students with previous research experience.
Ella Serber
Project: Emotion Amplification: Visual Imagery, Trait Disgust, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in a Non-Clinical Sample
Gul-E Aamna Shahid
Project: Sibling Influence on Body Image in South-Asian and White University Students
Samantha Barg
Project: The relationship between Body Image and Videoconferencing Use: An Eye Tracking Study
Katherine Wolfe
Project: Investigation of Hemispatial Neglect Assessment Measures Using Eye Tracking
Emily Mayzes-Kotulla
Project: Stake-Holder Perceptions of a Motivational Interviewing App (MI-Coach:ED) for Individuals with Eating Disorders
Shiva Natarajan
Project: mTBI Awareness among Undergraduates.
Mariza Micallef
Project: Psychological Functioning in Post-Concussive Syndrome and Available Support Before and During the Pandemic.
Erin Fraser
Project: Exploring the Impact of a Gratitude-Focused Meditation on Body Dissatisfaction (peer reviewed publication link)
Jason Scott
Project: A Comparative Analysis of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire and the Selective Reminding Test: Clinical Utility of Proxy vs. Self-Report Approaches
Jocelyn Thomas
Project: Neurofeedback for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review and Meta-Analysis
Lydia Wood
Project: The Acceptability and Validity of At-Home Video Conference-Based Neuropsychological Assessment
Clerissa Copeland
Project: Eye movements during smooth pursuit training for different hemispatial neglect subtypes
Yun-Han Wang
Project: Perfectionism, Body Dissatisfaction, and Self-Efficacy: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating Effects (peer reviewed publication link)
Yun-Lin Wang
Project: Methodology of Cognitive Bias Modification: A Comparative Examination (peer reviewed publication link)
Leah Sorge
Project: Use of Eye Tracking during the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test as an Intrinsic Test of Effort
May Ly
Project: Validation of the Translated Negative Physical Self Scale (peer reviewed publication link)
Jessica Hansen
Project: Computerized Street Crossing Exercise for Hemispatial Neglect Patients: A Pilot Study
Graham Armstrong
Project: Cogputation: Using Eye-Tracker Technology to Develop Computerized Versions of Neuropsychological Assessments
Ashleigh Parker
Project: The New Normal: Developing an Updated Corpus of Normative Data for 5 Neuropsychological Measures
Kristen Peers
Project: Compound Word Processing in Aphasia
McKenzie Campbell
Project: A Comparison of the Buschke Selective Reminding Test and the California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition in a Stroke Population (peer reviewed publication link)
Nicole Legg
Project: Examining Impulsivity in Relation to Cognitive Bias Modification and Eating Disorders
Jeneya Clark
Project: Psychological Disturbance and Performance on Measures of Memory, Attention and Executive Functioning in TBI patients (peer reviewed publication link)